Mrs. Humphrey's Class 67/68

1st Row Left to Right: Teresa Stier, Susan Costlow, Valerie Hughes, Vicki Welch, Kathy Chaffee, Kay Denny, Joy Dollison,
Helen Holland, Linda Jones, Kathy Anderson.
2nd Row Left to Right: Gilbert Trevino, Darrell Willoughby, James Collins, Pam Frank, Leslie McCormick, Bonnie Rhodes,
Margaret Moise?, Terri Rowland, Mary Parker, Alan Kirkwood, Kenny Hay, Chuck Weaver, Perry Snapp.
3rd Row Left to Right: Mrs. Helen Humphrey, Paul McIndoo, Bert Whitmire, Jerry Schaffer, Eddie Grenawalt, Mark Kauffman,
Kevin Nelson, David Boland, David Renshaw, Dennis Blevins.