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Bristol 7th Grade Class 1967/68 Reunion

Below is a list of all classmates whose names I can remember. Please remember that this has been 35 years, so I may have some names wrong! Next to each name I will state whether the person is unknown to me, located, or deceased. If you know of more, please contact me. If you want your email address added to the page so that friends can find you, let me know.
As I already said on the home page, there were three 7th grade classes. I know almost all the names of my fellow classmates, but can remember very few of the students from the other classes. Please let me know any names! Thanks to everybody who has contributed to this list! 

David Stone 1962


Dennis Blevins 1968


Alan Kirkwood 1968


James Collins 1968


Ed Grenawalt 1968


1-Mike Abel-located

2-Kathy Anderson-located

3-Angela Barnes-located

4-Dennis Blevins-located

5-David Bolander-unknown

6-Robin Bruce-located

7-Jackie Bunker-located

8-David Carey-unknown

9-Sara Castor-unknown

10-Kathy Chaffee-unknown

11-Lisa Colley-Van Horn group has located

12-James Collins-located

13-Susan Costlow-Van Horn group has located

14-Mike Cox-Van Horn group has located

15-Shannon Crumb-located

16-Kay Denny-located

17-Joy Dollison-unknown

18-Lois Dykes-unknown

19-Pat Fisher-Van Horn group has located

20-Pam Frank-located

21-Gary Froning-located not interested

22-Brenda Goff-unknown

23-Eddie Grenawalt-located

24-Denise Guinn-Van Horn group has located

25-Kenny Hay-located, not interested

26-Helen Holland-unknown

27-Valerie Hughes-located

28-Tim Hull-located

29-Vicky Ingram-unknown

30-Dale Johnston-unknown

31-Linda Jones- dstone112@comcast.net

32-Mark Kauffman-Van Horn group has located
33-Carl Kester-located

34-Alan Kirkwood-deceased January 21, 2004

35-Mark Lawrence-unknown

36-Vicky Long-unknown

37-Linda Mabry-located

38-Kathy Maxwell-located, lives out of state

39-Sandra McCorkindale-unknown

40-Leslie McCormick-deceased 2002

41-Gary McDowell-located, not interested

42-Paul (Doug) McIndoo-located

43-David Meyers-unknown

44-Mike Milligan-located

45-Margaret Moise-unknown

46-David Mullikin-unknown

47-Kevin Nelson-unknown

48-Mary Parker-located

49-Gary Patton-unknown

50-Steve Payton-located

51-Jerry Polston-Van Horn group has located

52-David Renshaw-located, not interested

53-Bonnie Rhoades-located

54-Terri Rowland-deceased

55-Melody Seat-located

56-Jerry Shaffer-located, hasn't returned calls

57-Mary Shuster-located

58-Perry Snapp-deceased

59-Terri Stephens-unknown

60-Teresa Stier-unknown

61-David Stone- stoney7554@yahoo.com
62-Sandra Stone-located

63-Diana Thomas-unknown

64-Gilbert Trevino-unknown

65-Debbie Upham-unknown

66-Geri Weakly-located, lives out of state

67-Chuck Weaver-unknown

68-Vicki Welch-located

69-Cindy White-located

70-Bert Whitmire-located

71-Shirley Williams-unknown

72-Darrell Willoughby-unknown

73-Steven Wolkey-unknown

74-John Wopata-located

75-Wendy Yancy- wjr1499@aol.com

Linda Jones 1968


Pam Frank 1968


Valerie Hughes 1968


Bonnie Rhoades 1968


Linda Mabry 1968


Mary Shuster 1968


Shannon Crumb 1968


Angela Barnes 1968


Vicki Welch 1968
